Student Resources > Motion Design

Interested in Motion Design?

Explore These Free Courses

  • The Path To MoGraph: a great resource to get an in-depth look at what a Motion Design career looks like. If you only look at one thing on this list, look at this.

  • Level Up: another great course, this one focused more on being lost in your career and not knowing where to go next, but it has some really great stuff about the industry.

Develop Good Taste

Part of being a good motion designer is being able to recognize when something looks good or bad and why. This takes a while to develop, but a great place to start is to follow talented artists and watch their work. Here are a few good places to follow:

YouTube Tutorial Channels

Invest In This Career

  • School of Motion’s Animation Bootcamp: If you’re gonna invest any money to learn, this is what to buy. It seems pricey, but after you finish it, you can hit the ground running with a career in this field. School of Motion has a wide array of course offerings depending on your career goals and they are all top notch.

  • Go to conferences! Students sometimes can get really amazing discounts on these. Here are a few to look into:

Don’t Get Discouraged

Seeing really good work when you’re just starting out can be REALLY intimidating, but they all started in the same place as you! Follow talented artists to be inspired by, but try not to compare your work to theirs.

Compare your work to yours alone — meaning that every year, if you look back on the previous year’s work and cringe, that mean’s you’re improving.

And don’t feel like you need to post everything. Create art for yourself. Let yourself explore and not be restricted by the fear of messing up or doing the wrong thing. My best advice to you is to simply start creating. I promise you will get to where you want to be if you invest the time and passion into it.

If you need anything, feel free to schedule time with me during my open hours. Good luck!